Liability for content
The greatest possible care has been taken in creating our website content. However, we cannot guarantee that the content is accurate, complete or up to date. Pursuant to section 6(1) of the German State Treaty on Media Services (MDStV) and section 8(1) of the German Teleservices Act (TDG), we, as service providers, are responsible under general laws for the content of this website.
The content and works on these pages are subject to German copyright law. Third-party contributions are indicated as such. Reproduction, adaptation, distribution and any kind of use beyond the limits of copyright law require written consent. Downloads and copies of these webpages may be made for private, non-commercial use only.
Data protection
Each time one of the pages on our website is accessed, corresponding data are saved in a log file on the web server. These data are not personal; we cannot trace which user has accessed which files. In accordance with the Teleservices Data Protection Act, the computer address from which the request was sent is not recorded. Personal user profiles cannot be created. We use technical cookies to ensure the function of the website. No use is made of techniques intended to track user access. The data records are used solely for statistical purposes, the aim being to gain an overview of the frequency of visits to individual segments. No data are passed on to third parties. If you give us your e-mail address, we will use it solely to send information on Laemmerhold Kommunikation. Your e-mail address will not be disclosed to third parties.
Liability for links
We are not liable for the content of external sites to which we link. This privacy policy applies only to this website and not to third party websites.